The Planets

The Planets is based on a song about a battle on Mars. The poster is meant to convey the steady beat, order, and energy of the piece. There is not one consistent beat throughout the song, but there are multiple steady beats, which is shown through repetition of elements. The order of the piece is shown from the mathematical aspect of the design, while the energy and movement is depicted using overlapping elements and the varying thicknesses of the lines, shapes, and type. Red and black create a sense of strength, and power; and blue is subtly used to show depth.

  • Take a piece of music and interpret it into a 2 color, 2-D form visually using only shape, form, line, and typography. This image will then be used to create a poster promoting a concert of the selected performance.

  • Advertising Design

  • Adobe InDesign


Behind the Scenes Where the Crawdads Sing

